Koren Harpaz is a freelance artist based in Brooklyn, NY.
Fruit Connoisseur, Primate Enthusiast, Communicator to Plants.
Koren is a 2016 graduate from Pratt Institute with a BFA in Animation. Nowadays, he produces artworks in a multitude of fields; primarily in stop-motion animation and the handmade fabrication of sets, props and puppets. Recently, he is becoming busy bolstering his balloon business, creating balloon art and installations for events. A life long learner. Insatiable interests in biology, geography, art/film/animation history, astronomy and botany.
Has worked in the Art Dept. mainly as a Fabricator with several animation studios in NYC.
Including Charged Studios, MoSoMoS, Buck, Visual Country, Mighty Oak and Hornet.
INSTAGRAM → → → @korenharpaz @koko.balloon
balloon-specific inquiries: koko.balloonery@gmail.com